Labyrinth 2 storey
Labyrinth 2 storey
Labyrinth 2-storey semi-trailer of 13.6 m
Dimensions L = 20m P = 9.5 m H = 10.5 m
Labyrinth 2 storeyLabyrinth 2 storey

Labyrinth 1 floor
Labyrinth 1 floor
Pavilions Arcade modified
Pavilions Arcade modified
Made to order labirinth way
Made to order labirinth way
Electronic deforming mirrors with metamorphosis
Electronic deforming mirrors with metamorphosis
SPRING S.r.l. Vignola (MO) ITALY Tel. +39.335.7614436 PI 03393930361 info@springamusements.com - Privacy - Legge88/2009